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Test mode

Learn more about the concept of test mode to test your integration.

Integrating in test mode allows you to test your integration without using real money or affecting live transactions.

Test mode

In test mode, you can use our test payment methods, such as test credit cards. You can also simulate transactions to ensure that your integration works correctly. This feature helps identify bugs or errors in your PayRex implementation before you go live with live payments.

Once you've signed up for a PayRex account, you'll receive a set of test API keys in the PayRex Dashboard. These API keys are used to integrate PayRex into your website or application. When you're ready to accept real payments, you must activate your account, turn off test mode, and switch to using the live API keys in your integration.

Test mode versus live mode

All Payrex API requests can be called in either test or live mode. The resources created in one mode are not accessible in the other. For example, if a Payment Intent is created in test mode, the Payment resources that will be created will not exist in live mode, and vice versa.

TypeWhen to useHow to use
test modeUse test mode API keys to complete your integration. In test mode, everything will be simulated.Use test payment methods provided by PayRex
live modeOnce you're done with your integration, switch your test mode API keys to live mode API keys.Use actual payment methods such as real credit cards

Test card numbers

PayRex provides a set of test card numbers that you can use to simulate various payment scenarios. You can use these test card numbers to create simulated payments in test mode without processing actual payments or charges.

When using test card numbers, you can enter any future date for the expiration date and any three-digit CVC code to simulate a successful payment. To simulate a failed payment, you can use specific test card numbers and CVC codes provided by PayRex.

Using test card numbers

Test card numbers are only valid in test mode. You cannot use them for real payments.