Developer Handbook
This section will teach you to:
- Integrate PayRex into your website or application.
- Use the different tools we provide developers to make your integration easy.
- Learn the different concepts within the PayRex platform.
📄️ About PayRex API
Learn about the concepts of PayRex API resources and their interactions with each other.
📄️ Authentication
PayRex API requires you to authenticate using your API keys. If you call our API with an invalid or expired API key, we will return an error.
📄️ Go-live Checklist
PayRex provides you with live and test modes to function as similarly as possible. Switching from mode to another is normally done by swapping the API keys.
🗃️ Payment Intents API
2 items
🗃️ Payments
3 items
🗃️ Refunds
1 item
📄️ Error Handling
Catch and respond to errors such as invalid data, network problems, etc.
📄️ Error Codes
Learn more about our error codes and how to resolve them.
📄️ Webhooks
Learn how to use webhooks to listen for real-time events on your PayRex account and trigger your business logic around the updates.
📄️ Libraries and Tools
Libraries and Tools for interacting with your PayRex integration.
📄️ Sample Projects
If you're looking for sample projects to start your integration, please refer to the table below.
🗃️ Testing
2 items
📄️ Statement Descriptors
Learn how statement descriptors work