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Error Codes

Learn more about our error codes and how to resolve them.

Some errors that you will get from our APIs include an error code. An error code is a short string with a brief explanation about the error. These error codes are used to handle errors programmatically.

Below is a list of possible error codes with additional information about how to resolve them.


You will encounter this error if you're trying to transact with live transactions. This means your PayRex merchant account should undergo the activation process before you can handle real transactions


The authentication credential passed is either invalid, missing or uses an invalid exposure (Secret vs. Public).


This error is encountered if there is a mismatch between the mode of the resource you want to process and the mode of the API key used.


This is the type of error you will encounter if there is a problem within our platform that we cannot handle properly. If you encounter this error, please contact support so we can address the issue.


The resource that you are trying to retrieve does not exist.


One or more attributes from your payload have invalid values. Check further the error detail to know about why the attribute is invalid.


One or more attributes from your payload have an invalid data type. For example, if an attribute requires a string value, you should only pass a string value to the attribute.


The attribute from the payload is a required field. This means you should pass the required attribute.


This code applies to attributes with number values. It means the value passed is beyond the allowed maximum limit.


This code applies to attributes with number values. This means the value passed is below the allowed minimum limit.