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Testing your integration

Learn more about simulating payments for different scenarios to test your integration.

To check if your integration works correctly, simulate transactions without using real money with our test values in test mode.

How to use test cards

Remember, the first step in your integration process is using your test mode API keys and test cards provided by PayRex.

  • For expiration month and year, use any valid future date. For example, if today is May 2024, you can use 08/24, which is a future date.
  • For CVC, use any three-digit CVC.
  • Use one of our test cards below.
Using test cards

These are test cards that should not be used in live mode or production testing. You can only use them in test mode.

By Card Brands

Card NumberBrand
4701322211111234Visa (debit card)
5200828282828210Mastercard (debit card)

By Card Country

Card NumberCountry

By Card Scenario

Card NumberScenariofailed_code
4000000000001000Fraudulent transaction errorblocked
4005550000000019Generic decline errorgeneric_decline
4503300000000008Insufficient fund errorfunds_insufficient
4205260000000005Incorrect CVCcvc_incorrect
4001270000000000Processing errorprocessing_error
4012000033330026System errorsystem_error
4311780000241409Frictionless authenticationnot applicable
4000000000000077Declined Frictionless authenticationgeneric_decline