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The Payment Intent Lifecycle

Learn how a Payment Intent transitions to a different status during the entire payment process

Completing a payment is complicated, and your customer's experience might vary. For example, one customer might be required to confirm a card payment using 3D Secure. This example is usually asynchronous, and it's hard to manage because it depends on customer interactions outside your application. Payment Intent API simplifies this complex process by tracking a Payment Intent status.

awaiting_payment_method The initial status of a Payment Intent once created is awaiting_payment_method.

Once you've determined the amount your customer should pay, the next step is to create a Payment Intent from your backend. This Payment Intent plays a crucial role in tracking your customer's payment attempts and provides valuable insights into the payment process.

awaiting_next_action When your customer selects a payment method and provides the necessary information, the Payment Intent transitions to 'awaiting_next_action' status. This transition occurs if any authentication, such as 3DS Secure for card payments, is required. The Payment Intent moves to the next status if no further authentication is needed.

processing After your customer completes the authentication, the Payment Intent will process the payment. This operation is usually asynchronous and can be completed in seconds.

succeeded The PaymentIntent status transitions to succeeded once the payment is completed and no issues are encountered. The succeeded status also means the entire payment flow is complete.

The amount processed by the Payment Intent will be credited to your PayRex account for clearing.

awaiting_payment_method (red color) If the payment encounters an error, the PaymentIntent transitions back to awaiting_payment_method. Your customer can retry using either the same or a different payment method.