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Activate your account

To process payments with real money, you must activate your PayRex account first.

Integrate before activating your account

You don't need to activate your account immediately while integrating. If you haven't created your PayRex account yet, please check guide about account creation.

Account Activation

Activate your PayRex account by completing the activation application. We will ask for some basic information about your business, product, and personal relationship with your business. After you submit your application and once we're done reviewing it, you can immediately start processing payments with real money and go live.

PayRex's "Know Your Customer" (KYC) obligations require that we collect and maintain this information. These requirements from our regulators and financial partners aim to prevent abuse of our platform. We review the information you provide internally to ensure it complies with our services agreement.

If there are concerns or issues regarding your application, we'll contact you if we need further information.


Our privacy policy explains how and for what purposes we collect, use, retain, disclose, and safeguard any personal data you provide.

Keep your account safe

After you create a PayRex account, keep it safe. Here are our recommendations to ensure that your account is secure:

  • Keep private information private: Don't share your password; keep your secret API keys confidential on your servers. As a reminder, PayRex employees will never ask you for your keys.
  • Use a password unique to PayRex: If you use your password on another compromised site, an attacker could use those stolen credentials to take over your PayRex account.
  • Update your computer and browser regularly: Set up your computer to automatically download and install OS updates. It helps protect your system against automated attacks and malware.
  • Beware of phishing: All official PayRex sites use the domain and HTTPS. Don't enter your password after clicking a link in an unofficial email. If you're unsure it's really us, contact our official customer support using our chat feature or email us at