Create a CheckoutSession
Creates a CheckoutSession resource.
POST /checkout_sessions
Sample code
- curl
- Node
- Python
- Ruby
curl --request POST --location '' \
-u replace_with_secret_api_key: \
--data-urlencode 'line_items[][name]=Item' \
--data-urlencode 'line_items[][amount]=10000' \
--data-urlencode 'line_items[][quantity]=1' \
--data-urlencode 'success_url=' \
--data-urlencode 'cancel_url=' \
--data-urlencode 'currency=PHP' \
--data-urlencode 'payment_methods[]=card' \
--data-urlencode 'payment_methods[]=gcash'
const payrexSecretApiKey = '';
const payrex = require('payrex-node')(payrexSecretApiKey);
// Create a CheckoutSession
const checkoutSession = await payrex.checkoutSessions.create({
currency: 'PHP',
// URL where your customer will be redirected after a successful payment.
success_url: '',
// URL where your customer will be redirected if they decide not to proceed with a payment
cancel_url: '',
payment_methods: ['gcash', 'card', 'maya', 'qrph'],
line_items: [{
name: 'Item 1',
// Amount is in cents. The sample below is 100.00.
amount: 10000,
quantity: 1,
// optional
image: 'Publicly accessible image URL'
$payrexSecretApiKey = '';
$payrex = new \Payrex\PayrexClient($payrexSecretApiKey);
// Create a CheckoutSession
$checkoutSession = $payrex->checkoutSessions->create([
currency => 'PHP',
// URL where your customer will be redirected after a successful payment.
success_url => '',
// URL where your customer will be redirected if they decide not to proceed with a payment
cancel_url => '',
payment_methods => ['gcash', 'card', 'maya', 'qrph'],
line_items => [
name => 'Item 1',
// Amount is in cents. The sample below is 100.00.
amount => 10000,
quantity => 1,
// optional
image => 'Publicly accessible image URL'
payrex_secret_api_key = ''
payrex = PayrexClient(payrex_secret_api_key)
# Create a CheckoutSession
checkout_session = payrex.checkout_sessions.create(
'currency': 'PHP',
# URL where your customer will be redirected after a successful payment.
'success_url': '',
# URL where your customer will be redirected if they decide not to proceed with a payment
'cancel_url': '',
'payment_methods': ['gcash', 'card', 'maya', 'qrph'],
'line_items': [{
'name': 'Item 1',
# Amount is in cents. The sample below is 100.00.
'amount': 10000,
'quantity': 1,
# optional
'image': 'Publicly accessible image URL'
payrex_secret_api_key = ""
payrex =
# Create a CheckoutSession
checkout_session = payrex.checkout_sessions.create({
currency: 'PHP',
// URL where your customer will be redirected after a successful payment.
success_url: '',
// URL where your customer will be redirected if they decide not to proceed with a payment
cancel_url: '',
payment_methods: ['gcash', 'card', 'maya', 'qrph'],
line_items: [{
name: 'Item 1',
// Amount is in cents. The sample below is 100.00.
amount: 10000,
quantity: 1,
// optional
image: 'Publicly accessible image URL'
customer_reference_id optional
A unique reference of the CheckoutSession aside from the id
attribute. This can be an order ID, a cart ID, or similar, and can be used to reconcile the CheckoutSession with your internal system.
currency REQUIRED
A three-letter ISO currency code in uppercase. As of the moment, we only support PHP.
line_items REQUIRED
This attribute holds your customer's list of items to pay.
Show child attributes
The name of the line item. The name attribute describes the line item. It could be a product name or the service that you offer.
The amount of the line item in a single unit. This could also be considered as a unit price.
This is a positive integer in the smallest currency unit, cents. If the line item should be ₱ 120.50, the amount should be 12050.
quantity REQUIRED
The quantity of the line item. The quantity will be multiplied by the line_item.amount to compute the final amount of the CheckoutSession.
description optional
Additional details of the line_item. If you want to add long details to the line_item, use this attribute.
image optional
The image of the line_item. This should be a publicly accessible URL. If this is not provided, PayRex will provide a default image.
metadata optional
A set of key-value pairs you can attach to the CheckoutSession and the resources created by the CheckoutSession, e.g., PaymentIntent, Payment. This can be useful for storing additional information about the PaymentIntent in a hash format.
success_url REQUIRED
The URL where your customer will be redirected after a successful payment
cancel_url REQUIRED
The URL where your customer will be redirected if they decide not to continue with the payment
expires_at optional
An epoch timestamp.
The time when the CheckoutSession will expire. Once the CheckoutSession expires, your customer can no longer complete the payment.
If this attribute is not passed, the CheckoutSession will expire in 24 hours.
payment_methods REQUIRED
The list of payment methods allowed to be processed by the CheckoutSession. Possible values are card
and gcash
description optional
An arbitrary string attached to the PaymentIntent. Useful reference when viewing paid Payment from PayRex Dashboard.
submit_type optional
This is a string that will show as the text for the pay button of the CheckoutSession. You can use this to customize the action text of the pay button.
Default value is pay
payment_method_options optional
A set of key-value pairs that can modify the behavior of the payment method attached to the payment intent of the checkout session.
Show child attributes
card hash
Show child attribute
capture_type string
Describes the capture_type of a card payment. Possible values are automatic
or manual
. This is used for hold then capture feature. Please refer to this guide for more details.
allowed_bins array
Restricts the allowed card BINs for a card payment. Please refer to this guide for more details.
Returns a CheckoutSession resource.